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“Although hated by mainstream film critics, Fulci will always be adored and revered by fans of gore-filled zombie films. After all, there’s nothing quite like them.” LOUIS PAUL
Forty years ago, in the summer of 1974, Dario Argento directed his masterpiece DEEP RED, one of the most famous and admired thrillers ever made.
Luigi Cozzi -the author of this book - had the pleasure to meet Mario Bava in the most fertile period of the latter’s extraordinary career in the movies
The movie FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET is considered by most critics as the high point in Dario Argento's first giallo trilogy. Luigi Cozzi, who co-wrote FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET and closely followed its making, finally reveals all the anedoctes and the technical secrets behind the shooting of this classic.
Over 250 of the wildest sword-and-sandal movies ever made are reviewed here: blockbusters…bombs…cult faves…rare gems…classics…groundbreakers…and everything in between!
Italian science fiction fan and writer LUIGI COZZI, also known as “LEWIS COATES”, started making movies in 1969 directing THE TUNNEL UNDER THE WORLD.
In this book Antonio Tentori tells you everything about Italian Gothic and horror movies, providing plot synopses and all kind of informations, while co-author Luigi Cozzi writes his own personal rememberings about directors Riccardo Freda, Lucio Fulci, Pupi Avati, Antonio Margheriti, Umberto Lenzi, Joe D'Amato and Michele Soavi.
“Giallo” is the Italian word for “yellow” and this GIALLO term was used in the 1930s to describe the mystery-thriller novels published in Italy that were bound in instantly recognisable yellow covers.
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